Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hot sauce FTW

Just got back home from work and running errands about half an hour ago. Turns out that Ted wasn't a huge fan of his sandwich at lunch today, having to guzzle his Coke and then run for the employee water fountain. Even after standing there for several minutes, he nearly had to go to the bathroom due to the amount of habanero sauce I put on his food. Apparently, his face was lobster red for a solid hour afterwords. Wish I could have been there to see it...

Instead, I got home and immediately had a tub of water dropped on me from the roof where Ted stood. Was pissed at first, thinking my phone and iPod could have been fried, but they didn't get hit badly. After I got changed and dried off, Ted and I had a good laugh and we called it even. For now.

Work sucked. Amelia wasn't scheduled for today, so I had no one I particularly enjoyed chatting with for those seven hours. I mean, my other coworkers are alright, but Amelia... I swear she's something special. I wish I could ask her out to a movie or something, but she's told me all about these other boys she's interested in and... I dunno. A nerd like me doesn't stand a chance with a girl like her. So, for now, we're just work buddies. Wish it was more...

So, work more tomorrow. And Amelia *is* supposed to come in, so there's that. Ted is leaving on Friday for a nearby gaming convention. Just a small, local thing at the community college getting together for a three day video game/RPG/board game-fest. I'd go, but work wouldn't give me time off since I was already scheduled.

Final thought: The Protomen. Finally got around to listening to them. My mind has been blown. Wish they'd have a live show around here. That'd be fantastic. But nothing interesting ever happens around here...